Windows Phone 7 si Samsung – the “monumental cock-up”

Ai un telefon Samsung Omnia sau Samsung Focus 7 cu Windows Phone 7? Astazi inveti cum sa il arunci la gunoi cu un simplu update…

Pe scurt: Windows Phone 7 vine cu un update si unii useri raman fara telefon:

The two Samsung handsets on the market—the Omnia 7 and possibly the Focus are both experiencing “difficulties” with installing the update. The updates are failing to install in two ways. For lucky individuals, the process merely hangs on step seven (out of ten); rebooting the phone resurrects it, albeit without the upgrade. For a minority of unlucky users, the process fails at step six, and corrupts the phone’s firmware. What’s worse is that for some of them it appears to be bricking the phone completely, rendering it useless.

Those unfortunates with apparent firmware corruption can try forcing the phone into download mode (turn off the handset, then turn it on while holding the camera button and the volume down button, and keep all three buttons pressed for 10-15 seconds; then choose the “format” option). If this is successful, it should allow the handset to recover its original firmware and resume operation. But not everyone can get this to work, indicating that the devices are truly bricked, with the only option being to return them to the network operator and have them replaced under warranty.

Step 6? WTF?!? Da citi pasi are un update pentru Windows Phone 7? Cum adica? Nu doar il conectezi la computer, dai update si in citeva minute ai un telefon updatat care retine toate informatiile, setarile si tot ce aveai inainte pe el, ca un iPhone?

sursa foto

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  1. Exagerezi un pic. Sunt convins că s-a întâmplat și la iphone-uri să crape după update. Apoi, nu se întâmplă asta la toți utilizatorii ci doar la o mică parte.

    Cât despre update… Probabil e o chestie cu next, next, next de 10 ori :D

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