What’s new in iOS 8.1 [Download links]

Given the plethora of errors and strange behaviors in iOS 8.0.2 I chose to clean install iOS 8.1. And so far everything works fine. Sure, I’ll notice the few bugs Apple forgot to take care of in the next week or so and so will you.

Just because everyone asks, the biggest new things about iOS 8.1 are: sms relay (option to send and receive text messages from your Mac or iPad via iPhone), Apple Pay (if you have an iPhone 6 or 6 Plus), and the return of the Camera Roll.

Worth mentioning that even with a clean install I cannot use Continuity iPhone calls on my Mac. So this may be an issue with the Mac or the router.

Here’s the complete iOS 8.1 release notes:

This release includes new features, improvements and bug fixes, including:

Apple Pay support for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus (U.S. only)

Photos includes new features, improvements and fixes

Adds iCloud Photo Library as a beta service

Adds Camera Roll album in Photos app and My Photo Stream album when iCloud Photo Library is not enabled

Provides alerts when running low on space before capturing Time Lapse videos

Messages includes new features, improvements and fixes

Adds the ability for iPhone users to send and receive SMS and MMS text messages from their iPad and Mac

Resolves an issue where search would sometimes not display results

Fixes a bug that caused read messages to not be marked as read

Fixes issues with group messaging

Resolves issues with Wi-Fi performance that could occur when connected to some base stations

Fixes an issue that could prevent connections to Bluetooth hands-free devices

Fixes bugs that could cause screen rotation to stop working

Adds an option to select between 2G, 3G or LTE networks for cellular data

Fixes an issue in Safari where videos would sometimes not play

Adds AirDrop support for Passbook passes

Adds an option to enable Dictation in Settings for Keyboards, separate from Siri

Enables HealthKit apps to access data in the background

Accessibility improvements and fixes

Fixes an issue that prevented Guided Access from working properly

Fixes a bug where VoiceOver would not work with 3rd party keyboards

Improves stability and audio quality when using MFi Hearing Aids with iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus

Fixes an issue with VoiceOver where tone dialing would get stuck on a tone until dialing another number

Improves reliability when using handwriting, Bluetooth keyboards and Braille displays with VoiceOver

Fixes an issue that was preventing the use of OS X Caching Server for iOS updates.

If you want to do a clean install just download the appropriate firmware for your device, open iTunes and click Shift (option) + Restore. make sure to select Set as a new Phone at the end and manually add all your apps.

As usual, don’t forget to back-up everything in iTunes and iCloud. You will lose pictures, sms and settings but setting up your phone as a new one should be fun enough.

Here’s the download links (via):

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  1. De cand am facut update-ul la IOS 8.0.1 telefonul meu Iphone 5s a devenit o mizerie (adica un samsung sau htc). Cel mai rau ma enerveaza delay-ul pe care il am cand raspund la un apel. Sper ca noul iOS sa imi readuca telefonul inapoi. Daca nu urmatorul meu telefon va fi un samsung de la care nu voi avea aceleasi pretentii si voi da si mai putini bani.

  2. @Teo: de cind cu iOS 8.1 (nu 8.0.1, ci 8.1) iPhone 5s al meu merge mult mai bine. Dar eu am facut si un restore pe curat si in felul asta am mai sters din posibilele bug-uri de la iOS 8.0 sau 8.0.1.

  3. @Adrian multumesc de raspuns. Il voi instala si eu diseara pe curat! Sper din tot sufletul sa rezolve lucrurile astea marunte dar enervante

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