Ubuntu 8.10 download

la prima vedere interfata e foarte asemanatoare cu versiunea anterioara. nu am folosit pina acum ubuntu dar e bine de stiut ca ai o alternativa serioasa la windows sau mac si mai ales ca e una gratuita…

eu il descarc acum cu 1455 KB/sec. woooow

poti sa-l descarci de AICI

Productivity tools: Ubuntu supports all of your favorite web-based mail programs like Yahoo(TM) or Gmail (TM). But for the office, Evolution provides all the calendaring, contacts and full function office email you need. Pidgin IM also puts you in instant touch with colleagues and integrates with your personal IM services simply and easily.

Browsing: Includes Mozilla’s Firefox 3 as the default browser. Faster, safer and themed browsing for users.

Photos: Upload from your camera or phone to F-Spot and manage, tag, share and sort your photos and upload easily to you favorite social networking sites.

Music and video: Plug in your PSP, iPod, MP3 player; share playlists with your friends; buy in the creative commons online music stores, stream more live radio and content from the BBC and plug in more devices with UPnP.

Office applications: Word processing, spreadsheets and presentations can all be delivered through Open Office. And, they completely integrate with the proprietary office applications out there. The big difference is that they are free.

Accessibility: At the core of the Ubuntu philosophy is the belief that computing is for everyone and access should be free and complete whatever your economic or physical circumstances. Ubuntu is one of the most accessible desktop operating systems around.

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  1. Exista versini separate pentru procesoare intel / amd ?
    Din ce am gasit acum dupa ce am citit articolul tau am vazut ca-i mai complicat decat credeam :)

  2. @cosmin: nu stiu sa existe versiuni separate. cerintele lor minime sunt:
    # 300 MHz x86 processor
    # 64 MB of system memory (RAM)
    # At least 4 GB of disk space (for full installation and swap space)
    # VGA graphics card capable of 640×480 resolution
    # CD-ROM drive or network card

  3. Tocmai am incercat sa instalez pe un USB flash drive, dar am gasit instructiuni despre marcarea ca partitie activa doar pentru Vista, la bootare nu citeste/porneste instalarea Ubuntu de pe flash desi e marcat ca prima optiune in BIOS.

    Complicat :) mai invatam…

  4. pentru romania inedit : Ubuntu este cel mai bun Linux ! wrong,

    kernel = Linux

    Ubuntu = Packete ->(Gnome Desktop Manager /KDE /XFCE En8 )Xorg -> bash -> apt-get

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