Aparent, inca din anii 70 se faceau experimente pe animale in ceea ce priveste transplantul de cap. Totul era ok, cu exceptia conectarii coloanei vertebrale.
In 2013, spune un om de stiinta, exista tehnologia pentru conectarea coloanei. Articolul care descrie procedura e fascinant. Asta e doar un mic fragment.
“R’s head is subjected to PH (ca 10°C), while D’s body will only receive spinal hypothermia; this does not alter body temperature. This also avoids any ischemic damage to D’s major organs. R lies supine during induction of PH, then is placed in the standard neurosurgical sitting position, whereas D is kept upright throughout. The sitting position facilitates the surgical maneuvers of the two surgical teams. In particular, a custom-made turning stand acting as a crane is used for shifting R’s head onto D’s neck. R’s head, previously fixed in a Mayfield three-pin fixation ring, will literally hang from the stand during transference, joined by long Velcro straps. The suspending apparatus will allow surgeons to reconnect the head in comfort.”
Intrebarea mea e alta: daca iti faci transplant de cap, preferi sa pastrezi corpul tau si sa iei fata altuia sau sa-ti tii capul si sa alegi alt corp?
Raspuns:nu iti poti pastra capul tau daca optezi pt transpant de cap.
Ha, ha! Specifica ce fel de cap!
@Dagm: era o gluma :) e logic sa fie asa.