250.000 iPhones have been sold by unlockers.
let’s just say they sold the toy for $500. can you count the zeros?
yeah, i know apple sold over 1.4 million of them but i beleive they would have sold even better if the iPhone was not locked in the first place.
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I might be wrong, but didn’tthe unlockers bought the phones from Apple in the first place?
@razvan: like somebody would say: exactly my point! they did buy the iPhone from Apple and after that re-sold em for up to 3 times the reg. price. if apple wouldn’t have locked them in the first place, they could have kept all the money…
“if apple wouldn’t have locked them in the first place, they could have kept all the money”
But they would have kept only the money that they did keep, the normal Apple shop price that they already got from the hackers. If the phones would’ve sold as unlocked, they wouldn’t have sold them 3 times over the regular price.
In the long run, I’m pretty sure the AT&T deal that earns them a percent of the bill is bringing in pretty much. That’s the problem with the unlock, it cuts down revenues from the deals with the telco’s.