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ie7 now free of charge
why is microsoft so weird when it comes to their own products? especially to Internet explorer… oh yeah, i know why. it's because Firefox is spreading faster! anyway, ie7 is […]
why is microsoft so weird when it comes to their own products? especially to Internet explorer… oh yeah, i know why. it's because Firefox is spreading faster! anyway, ie7 is […]
se poate si asta daca esti student la Stanford…
o stire care ar fi ramas oarecum trecuta cu vederea a fost anuntata timid, printr-un comunicat de presa al ICANN (organismul care reglementeaza numele de domenii la nivel international). peste […]
dupa ce google si-a adaugat la portofoliu Jaiku si e to mai evident ca se indreapta spre piata mobila, o alta mare achizitie sta sa fie facuta. yahoo ocheste twitter. […]
daca ai afla ca niste oameni de stiinta care au descoperit magnetorezistenta au luat premiul nobel ai zice …si ce daca… jucaria lor insa a ajutat la inventarea a ceea […]
after weeks of useless pages filled with their widget, John Reese is sending out emails to Blog Rush users to tell them “if you’re not promoting us…you’re out”… and i […]
si eu ziceam ca am multespamuri oprite de jucaria wordpress: aproape 2 mii. uite ca darren a depasit 2 milioane de bucati.
cu alte cuvinte mult asteptatu telefon google nu va fi un telefon ci va fi software-ul de mobil pe care il pregateste google. adik si nokia mea veche de cinci […]
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