Solve the iPhone “Call Failed” issue on OS X Yosemite

This issue may have been present in my computer or it may affect other users. And until Apple will release a Software Update, I have to tell you how they solved mine.

Long-story short: I could not use iPhone calling on a mid-2012 retina MacBook Pro. Tried absolutely everything and I even clean-installed iOS 8.1 and restored OS X Yosemite. Nothing worked. So I called Apple Support.

After a long chat with two different people I was put through with a Supervisor and she sent me some software that would grab some info off of my computer. I sent those files back to them and got a response that Apple engineers would look into this.

9 days went by and today I got an email asking me to call Apple Support. I got on the phone with another supervisor (Kristopher H.) and he asked to install a TeamViewer like app made by Apple so he could look into my computer.

We went again to see how I get the “Call Failed” issue when calling via iPhone and he suggested I should type some stuff into Terminal. There were three lines that didn’t do anything to my computer. The 4th line was the one that got this solved. I’m going to add them below just in case you want to try this as well, but make sure you do this on your own risk.

Just copy and paste each line into Terminal and hit the “Return” key after each of them. You may be asked for your Admin password.

sudo sysctl kern.ipc.maxsockbuf=8388608
sudo sysctl net.inet.tcp.sendspace=131072
sudo sysctl net.inet.tcp.recvspace=131072
sudo mv /etc/sysctl.conf ~/Desktop/sysctl.conf.old

After the last one I was asked to restart my computer. And guess what? It actually works. The explanation is that at some point a 3rd party app may have altered my TCP/IP settings so it caused Continuity to malfunction.

I am glad everything works now and Kristopher H. saved the day!

Did I mention my computer was out of warranty over 15 months ago and I didn’t have to pay anything to get this solved? Just another reason Apple rocks!

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  1. La mine nu a schimbat nimic.

    Dar, nu merge Messages. E in update non stop. Desi am sters toata arhiva veche, nu vrea si pace.

    E can netestat Yosemitul asta…

  2. la mine, dupa ultima linie apare: rename /etc/sysctl.conf to /Users/Mihai/Desktop/sysctl.conf.old: No such file or directory

  3. UPDATE: dupa ce am incercat aseara tot ce am gasit scris pe net despre aceasta problema, am plecat la somn frustrat ca nu pot da un telefon ca oamenii de pe calculator :). M-am trezit dim si am zis ca o iau de la capat. Inainte, am zis, hai sa vad totusi daca merge. Si surpriza!!!
    Merge. Tare ciudat.

  4. Alt UPDATE:

    Dimineata minunea a durat doar cat am plasat cateva telefoane dupa care boom….nefunctional again. Long story short. Am reusit sa ii dau de capat pentru mine. Si era foarte simplu. Am schimbat calculatorul si telefonul pe “set date and time automatically”. De atunci totul merge perfect. Sper sa ajute si pe altii solutia mea.

  5. The reason this works is that the first 3 lines, while there’s nothing apparent happening (“three lines that didn’t do anything to my computer”), they raised some parameters in the system kernel. The fourth line then moved the old system config file out of the way so the new settings could be saved. It makes perfect sense… ;-)

    BTW – this is doing things to the kernel that is safe. It just makes the kernel slightly bigger to allow space for the increased number of buffers from the 3 parameters.

    Sounds like you got someone that knew their (Linux) stuff!

  6. Verizon Fios modifies these settings when you optimize… I put them back as above and now it works!

  7. After the fourth line I get the following:

    rename /etc/sysctl.conf to /Users/deonobrien/Desktop/sysctl.conf.old: No such file or directory

    Any ideas?

  8. If you type this in it will show you the current settings:
    sudo sysctl -a | grep “maxsockbuf|sendspace|recvspace”
    In my case the send/receive were already at that value and the buffer wouldn’t go that high.

    In my case, the sysctl.conf didn’t exist.
    I assume the kernel settings used to be written to this file so moving it out made it regenerate it when the mac was restarted.

    Didn’t work for me – but good things to check.

  9. I´m was looking for this solution for weeks. IT TOTALLY WORKS!!. THANKS!

    Note: For those who dont get to work your phone calls with this. Remember that your icloud, imessage and face time must be sync with the same account.

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