In editorialul meu de pe Softpedia News de la sfarsitul anului 2015 am abordat un subiect controversat: simplitatea produselor Apple. E evident ca nu tot ce e simplu e si eficient, iar ultimele produse lansate de baietii din Cupertino ne demonstreaza asta din plin.
Problema apare atunci cand simplitatea ne aduce produse care au mai putin butoane si porturi.
“Apple is well known for ripping the band-aid when it comes to sudden moves. There was no telling the 30-pin connector will go away and get replaced with the lightning connector. Everyone thought Apple will go the micro-USB route and they were wrong. Having a proprietary port that has a net advantage over others was good enough for Apple.
Losing the headphone jack in an iPhone is a pretty bold move. Sure enough, this will bring high-quality audio to the users and Apple can achieve a device that either has a larger battery or is thinner.”
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