vine in curind si aduce mai multe chestiutze interesante. printre altele:
- DYLIB: Added a single tap status bar to close the SBSettings window in 3.0 only. This is because home button brings up the search and there was some interference (enough that I felt annoyed). So you can swipe to open the window, tap to close.
- Both: Added ability to move toggle order around.
- More app: Added mobile substrate extensions manager. You can now troubleshoot a poorly performing device by disabling and enabling various installed mobile substrate extensions. (Requires respring after toggling).
- More app: Added numeric wifi, numeric GMS (phone) to extras menu. (Note: the 3.0 version of numeric battery looks different. Remember this is just enabled by SBSettings. It’s a feature of springboard).
- More app: Added statusbar date toggle button in extras menu to enable or disable statusbar date.
- Revved version to 3.0 since this version works with iPhone OS 3.0. It should work with 2.0-3.0.
- Reworked how root requiring toggles work. As such, we can now system out to processes as root. This enables Safari download and other toggles! (Expect them soon).
care este functia SB Settings pe care o folosesti cel mai des? pe mine ma ajuta foarte mult Processes, Brightness si Fast Notes.
Eu folosesc 3g/edge, wifi, brightness, clippy si keepawake.
3G/edge, wifi, clippy, processes, fastnotes
Eu folosesc Bluetooth, Wifi, Fast notes, Processes
Bluetooth si WiFi
Din cate am vazut eu SB Settings creaza numai probleme, crashuri ale telefonului, freeze samd. voi aveti problemele astea?nu as vrea sa risc nimic…
e vorba de SB Sttings 3.0-1