James Erwin, un tata din Iowa a postat un comentariu pe Reddit. Cineva intreba:
“Could I destroy the entire Roman Empire during the reign of Augustus if I traveled back in time with a modern U.S. Marine infantry battalion or MEU?”
In joaca, James a scris un prim capitol dintr-o poveste despre niste soldati americani care s-au trezit din Afganistan teleportati in Roma antica. Ei au avut misiunea sa se lupte cu romanii si sa supravietuiasca acolo.
The 35th MEU is on the ground at Kabul, preparing to deploy to southern Afghanistan. Suddenly, it vanishes.
The section of Bagram where the 35th was gathered suddenly reappears in a field outside Rome, on the west bank of the Tiber River. Without substantially prepared ground under it, the concrete begins sinking into the marshy ground and cracking. Colonel Miles Nelson orders his men to regroup near the vehicle depot—nearly all of the MEU’s vehicles are still stripped for air transport. He orders all helicopters airborne, believing the MEU is trapped in an earthquake.
Nelson’s men soon report a complete loss of all communications, including GPS and satellite radio. Nelson now believes something more terrible has occurred—a nuclear war and EMP which has left his unit completely isolated. Only a few men have realized that the rest of Bagram has vanished, but that will soon become apparent as the transport helos begin circling the 35th’s location.
Within an hour, the 2,200 Marines have regrouped, stunned. They are not the only moderns transported to Rome. With them are about 150 Air Force maintenance and repair specialists. There are about 60 Afghan Army soldiers, mostly the MEU’s interpreters and liaisons. There are also 15 U.S. civilian contractors and one man, Frank Delacroix, who has spoken to no one but Colonel Nelson.
Miraculously, no one was killed during the earthquake but several dozen people were injured, some seriously. All fixed-wing aircraft and the attack helicopters were rendered inoperable by the shifting concrete, although the MEU did not lose a single vehicle or transport helicopter.
As night falls, the MEU has established a perimeter. A few locals have been spotted, but in the chaos no one has yet established contact. Nelson and his men, who are crippled without mapping software and GPS to fix their position, begin attempting to fix their location by observing stars. The night is cloudy. Nelson orders four helicopters back into the air at first light, to travel along the river in hopes of locating a settlement.
Alti useri de Reddit au vazut comentariul si i-au cerut lui James sa scrie in continuare. Daca un comentariu de pe prima pagina Reddit are de obicei 2-4000 de voturi, povestea inceputa de tanarul din Iowa avea in primele zile peste 250.000.
De aici si pina la o poveste frumoasa a mai fost doar un pas. Scriitorul care nu a mai scris nimic in viata lui si care era doar un pasionat de tehnica militara si istorie a ajuns sa primeasca o oferta pentru a transforma povestea sa in scenariu de film. A primit aproape 120.000 dolari pentru scenariu si dupa ce filmul va fi pus in practica va mai castiga alte citeva milioane de dolari.
Poti sa vezi povestea lui James Erwin in format audio mai jos sau sa o descarci in format .pdf de AICI.
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