Revolut s-a săturat de utilizatori și vrea să scape de ei. Începe cu taxe mai mari și limitări de retrageri

Revolut - Aplicație și Card
Revolut - Aplicație și Card

Revolut era, până astăzi, cea mai bună alternativă la băncile clasice. Ce s-a schimbat? Noile taxe și limitări impuse sunt atât de ciudate, încât deja ai senzația că vor să scape de utilizatori.

Am ales să public integral emailul lor către utilizatori. Fiecare îl citește și își face o idee.

ATM Withdrawals

If you’re on a Standard plan

As a reminder, there is currently a RON 800 limit on free monthly ATM withdrawals on our Standard plan. After this, you begin paying a 2% fee. We are changing this, by adding a limit on the total number of ATM withdrawals as well, and by setting a minimum fee once your free allowance runs out.

Going forward:

Your RON 800 free monthly limit will remain the same, and once you hit it you will still begin paying a fee.
We are also introducing a limit of five ATM withdrawals as well. Once you hit this, you will also begin paying a fee.
Both of these limits apply independently. You will start paying a fee as soon as you hit one, even if you don’t hit the other.
The fee is still 2%, but we are adding a minimum fee of RON 5. This means you will pay the greater of RON 5 or 2% of the withdrawal.
If you’re on a Plus, Premium or Metal plan

Our free ATM withdrawal limits for Plus, Premium and Metal customers will remain the same, and we are not limiting the number of withdrawals you can make fee-free on these plans. Fees on ATM withdrawals above these limits will stay the same, at 2%, but we are also introducing a minimum fee of RON 5 per withdrawal.

International Money Transfers

Our most popular payment types, used by over 90% of our customers, will remain fee-free. These include:

Free local bank transfers in your home currency
Free local and international transfers in Euros to any country within SEPA (which includes EU/EEA countries, the UK, Switzerland)
Free transfers to other Revolut customers (peer-to-peer) in any country in the world
The following fee changes will only affect customers sending money outside the SEPA area (which includes EU/EEA countries, and the UK, Switzerland), or if you are making a cross-border transfer in a currency other than Euros.

Currently, Revolut offers two types of international transfer: “cross-border” transfers and “SWIFT” payments. They each have two separate allowances:

Standard and Plus customers get one free cross border transfer per month, then pay RON 2.5 per transfer. SWIFT transfers cost either RON 15 or RON 25, depending on currency.
Premium and Metal customers do not pay fees for cross-border transfers and get one free SWIFT transfer per month, and then pay RON 15 or RON 25, depending on currency.

What’s changing

We are combining “cross-border” and “SWIFT” into one simple and transparent category we call “international payments”.

International transfer fees will range between RON 1.5 and RON 25, depending on how much you transfer and where. Our Premium and Metal customers will still benefit from an allowance of payments for free.

Standard and Plus. No fee-free allowance. These plans are best suited for those who only occasionally send international transfers.
Premium. One fee-free international payment per month. Best for people who make international transfers on a monthly basis.
Metal. Three fee-free international payments per month. Best for those who frequently send international transfers.
You can see more details about our new pricing with examples here.

Delivery Charge for Revolut Cards

Up until now, our terms have confirmed that customers on the Standard plan would be charged 4.99 GBP or currency equivalent for standard delivery of a Revolut card and EUR 19.99 or currency equivalent for express delivery. The delivery charge could be more depending on where you asked us to send your card.

From April 23rd, we will show you what fee applies for standard or express delivery before you order your card in the Revolut app. As always, the delivery charge may vary depending on where you are sending the card.

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