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Macworld au facut o incercare foarte interesanta. Se stie ca un cablu Thunderbolt poate sa conecteze, in serie, pina la 6 device-uri. Nu conteaza ca sunt monitoare, HDD-uri externe sau camere.
Un Mac Pro are 6 porturi Thunderbolt, pe langa HDMI, Ethernet sau USB. Ei au vrut sa vada cite device-uri poti sa conecteze la un singur computer. Rezultatele sunt spectaculoase.
We connected 36 drives (19 Thunderbolt, 15 USB, 2 FireWire 800) with a combined capacity of 100.63TB. In addition to the drives, we also connected two Thunderbolt docks (the Belkin Thunderbolt Express Dock and the CalDigit Thunderbolt Station), an Apple Thunderbolt Display, two Apple Cinema Displays, and one HP Z Display Z27i. All this to a single Mac Pro.
Ha! Nici macar nu stiam ca Thunderbolt stie sa inserieze periferice.