Vedem peste tot reclame de genul: Daca gasesti un pret mai bun decit al nostru iti dam de 10 ori diferenta. Sunt curios cati cumparatori incearca de fapt sa faca asta si se targuiesc cu vanzatorul.
Dar ce faci daca te apuci sa cumper un produs de pe net si, la doar citeva zile dupa, pretul scade? Politica de preturi a spune clar: “cu exceptia televizoarelor, daca pretul scade dupa cumparare, nu primesti niciun ban inapoi”.
Am cumparat un Mac Mini in urma cu o saptamana. Pe Amazon era mai ieftin decit pe (doar 5 dolari, de fapt), dar nu plateai tax (echivalentul TVA-ului in USA). Asta insemna ca pretul final era cu aproximativ 35 dolari mai mic decit pe site-ul Apple. L-am luat si urmeaza sa ajunga astazi.
Cu toate acestea, a scazut pretul pentru noul Mac Mini la 569 dolari – inca 25 dolari in minus. Suma nu e mare, dar pentru asta exista Live Chat pentru Customer Service. Mi-am incercat norocul. Toata discutia este in fereastra de mai jos. Si, daca mai era nevoie, imi arata cit de buni sunt cei de la Amazon atunci cind vine vorba de Customer Service. Ca si Apple, de altfel.
Poate ca sunt si eu norocos, dar nu strica sa vorbesti frumos cu un gigant online. Uneori, la celalt capat al firului de …online chat, e tot un om. Nu uita sa zici “Multumesc” la final.
Bravo, Amazon!
Super profi din partea lor sa faca gestul asta. (stiu ei ca vor castiga mult mai mult pe termen lung decat pierd printr-un refund de 20-30 dolari).
Sa dai niste pareri la Mac Mini. (astept si eu sa primesc unul prin octombrie)
Tot ce am comandat de pe Amazon a venit la timp sau chiar mai repede.
De ce noi romanii nu avem astfel de situri? Sau makr tot dar cu livrare in RO… Daca nu un atunci makr un
Rectific: Amazon trimite si in Romania. :X:X
Anul acesta am cumparat un produs de la ei, trimis la o adresa din SUA. Apoi, cei din SUA mi l-au retrimis in Romania. Acest produs s-a defectat dupa 2 luni, iar cei de la Amazon US mi-au dat refund la transportul din RO spre US, fara sa imi ceara vreo dovada a trimiterii produsului meu si fara sa le prezint vreo chitanta cum ca l-am trimis spre ei pe cel defect.
Sunt absolut impresionat, va dau mailul de mai jos ca referinta:
—– Forwarded Message —–
From: Customer Service
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2011 1:09 PM
Subject: Your Order #105-0565859-3033862
Thanks for writing back with the return shipping charges.
As promised, I’ve requested a refund of $20 to your Visa card. You’ll see the refund on your Visa statement in the next 2-3 business days.
Once processed, you’ll be able to see the refund request here:
Further, as my colleagues mentioned, Once the package is mailed, it typically takes 5-10 business days for us to receive your return from the shipper, and then 3-5 business days to process returned packages after they arrive at our returns center. I expect your return will be complete soon.
If you don’t hear from our Returns Center by April 22, please write back so we can find out what happened.
Please visit the following link to provide the information we requested:
I hope this helps. We look forward to seeing you again soon.
I’m committed to providing world class customer service. Please tell me how I did by clicking the appropriate link below.
Did I solve your problem?
If not, I’m very sorry. Please click the link below. You’ll also have the opportunity to contact Amazon via phone for immediate help with this problem.
Best regards,
Suresh P
Your feedback is helping us build Earth’s Most Customer-Centric Company.
—- Original message: —-
03/23/11 04:39:00
Your Name:
Order Id: 105-0565859-3033862
Other info:Shipment sent to USA on 23.03.2011
As I was previously informed by a CS representative regarding my order, I’ve sent today through Romanian post the defective LaCie HDD in USA. The shipping cost was 57.79RON, which means around 20USD. The shipping will arrive in the next 2 weeks to you. I’ve had the option to choose terrestrial transportation (ferry-based), but that shipment would arrive in around 2 months and was with 5USD cheaper.
Please provide me an e-mail address where to send you the scanned version of the invoices from the Romanian Post (.pdf format). Also, let me know when my item will arrive at you, in order to get refunded.
Thanks for your client’s respect which you offer and I’m very happy to see that the refund policy teats me with respect, as Amazon’s client.
Kind regards,
Andrei from Bucharest
Selected Order Items:
LaCie Rugged All-Terrain SAFE 1 TB USB 2.0/FireWire 800 Portable External Hard Drive 301490
Amazon US nu expediaza in Romania decat un numar foooarte limitat de produse. Mai ai sanse pe Amazon UK dar acolo platesti preturile in Lire si nu mai e convenabil!
@Drey: nope, nu trimit orice.
Nasol! noi am putea restrictiona shippingul catre USA. Dar ce draq sa vindem ceva autohton ca noi mai mult importam decat exportam… :) Incercati rahatelu de okazii :))