Stim ca la Microsoft lucreaza multi romani si tocmai am aflat ca la Oracle nu lucreaza niciunul.
Marea companie se pregateste sa scoata un tip de licente pentru baze de date care ofera utilizare nelimitata.
Sa-i sfatuiasca si pe ei cineva sa-i schimbe numele…
Oracle has long offered what it calls its Unlimited License Agreement, which spans a limited time — typically three or four years. At the end of that time, customers must certify their usage to Oracle and pay for anything extra that got used along the way.
Customers have made no secret of their dissatisfaction with Oracle’s licensing tactics. Just last week, it was reported that the U.K. government is working to end its reliance on Oracle software.
The new Perpetual User License Agreement (PULA), on the other hand, removes that time requirement and is also priced as a yearly fee according to estimated usage instead, according to The Register, thereby minimizing the risk of audits or demands for additional payment down the road.
Update: au reprezentanta si in Romania. Oare cei de acolo nu au fost consultati?
,,Stim ca la Microsoft lucreaza multi romani si tocmai am aflat ca la Oracle nu lucreaza niciunul.”
Informație eronata , am un prieten care lucrează la Oracle si el la rândul lui mai are 3 colegi de facultate care lucrează cu el .
@Eugen: nu ai citit articolul pana la capat, nu-i asa?
*.U.L.A. ne-o vand politicienii in Romania fara probleme de peste 25 de ani. Nu cred ca o sa aiba Oracle probleme sa ne-o bage si ei pe gat :)