wow, I didn’t see this one coming : )
Google ne da Gmail offline pe iPhone cu toate bunatatile unei interfete complete.
Stiu ca avem Spreadsheet pentru iPhone in care poti sa editezi documente Excel, asa ca sper ca Google ne va da in curind acces la ele offline. Numai asa vom avea office pe iPhone in mod gratuit. Nu de la Microsoft, totusi…
“The app – which Gundotra described as a “technical concept” – relies on HTML5’s AppCache and Database standards, keeping an on-device store of not only the user-data but the software itself.
Because it uses HTML5 standards, rather than something unique to the iPhone 3G, it means that the software can be run on any other device which adheres to those standards. That enables developers to code a single app which will run on multiple platforms, with the GUI and functionality identical on each; Gundotra demonstrated the GMail app running both on the iPhone 3G and on the recently-announced HTC Magic, which uses the Android OS, since both use the Webkit browser engine. “
mda, nu se stie inca momentul cind va aparea Gmail Offline.
Salut Adi,
Te rog mult, ai gasit pe undeva un link, un tutorial sau un ghid de folosire a â€ÂSpreadsheet-ului†(am instalat versiunea â€ÂiSpreadsheet (v2.4).Pr0xâ€Â) pe iPhone, ca nu ma descurc sa import pagini cu date in excel, sau daca ai altceva mai bun, este bine-venit.
Vreau sa editez o foaie in excel si sa pot da search in pagina, pt cautarea datelor mai usor.
Multumesc anticipat,
Toate cele bune.
Florian Teodor
@ Florian Teodor:
nu am folosit spreadheet. stiu ca le poti edita daca le ai pe google docs. incearca asa.