Am scris pe Softpedia News un editorial despre cum vad eu viitorul apropiat al Apple in ceea ce priveste “The Subscription Model”.
Incerc mereu sa scriu mai mult in engleza pentru Softpedia News si imi pare rau ca nu am timp decat pentru un editorial pe luna.
Citeste-l, da un SHARE si spune-mi ce parere ai.
“Tim Cook did not seem too optimistic about the subscription model for iPhone. In an answer to a question during the “Q1 2016 Apple Financial Results Conference Call” Tim Cook said he cannot predict the way that is going to work in an year from the launch of the program. A reserved answer to such a question would be just fine. But Apple only offers a subscription model for iPhone in US. Extending that to International markets and still keeping a reserved prognosis would not be a good sign.
However this is just one man’s opinion based on 3 months of a revenue model in US. The opening of this way of selling the iPhone in emerging markets could result in a change of heart even for Tim Cook.”
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