Megadeth’s new drummer – Chris Adler

Apparently Chris Adler will only join the band for the next studio album. I don’t know the guy, but just take a listen to this…

He is/was with “Lamb of God”, another unknown band (for me) and he is mentioned among the best metal drummers in the world.

UPDATE: a post on Megadeth’s Facebook Page just made this official:

Adler will be appearing as a guest on the album and contributing his thundering, hard-hitting, and technically precise style and skill, adding new blood and drive into the mix while staying true to MEGADETH’s roots.

Dave Mustaine comments, “Chris is a tremendous talent, and an amazing person. He is going to bring a new level of excitement and energy to MEGADETH that the fans are going to lose their minds over. I have nothing but respect for my previous drummers, but this is going to absolutely KILL! Back in 1989, MEGADETH originally worked as a three piece – guitar, bass and drums – when we laid down the framework to our GRAMMY® nominated platinum album ‘Rust In Peace’. I want to thank the other members of LAMB OF GOD for allowing this opportunity to take place for all of us in the metal community.”

David Ellefson adds, “Chris has been an endearing friend to us in MEGADETH for many years now, and he truly appreciates our music and its legacy. His drumming has forged such an innovative and ferocious path for metal music and I’m very proud that he is anchoring our rhythm section with us on this new album. I can clearly see a new dawn of ‘utmost heaviness’ unfolding in MEGADETH’s next chapter.”

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