So? Are you? How about a really fast game so you can prove it…
Mad Rush has awesome graphics and you can use one of the 3 gameplay modes: dieHard, Slalom and Nitro. 30 races should be enough to keep you busy for the next few days.
And if the short description is not tempting enough, I’m pretty sure the video below will be! is giving you a chance to win one of the 3 promo codes for this app. The steps are as easy as every time on
1. Follow @boioglu on twitter.
2. Tweet this message “RT @boioglu Get your chance to win “Mad Rush” on″.
3. Leave a comment below with the link to your Tweet (not to your twitter account page, but to the tweet itself).
The first, 3rd and 5th valid comment will get a promo code. Are you fast enough?
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geohotz – pustiu de 17 an care a deblocat primul iPhone din lume a gasit un hardware unlock pt 1.1.2. asta inseamna ca ter sa te pricepi la chestii de […]
Asta nu e o noutate, dar developerul aplicatiei mele preferate de RSS a facut astazi un mic update. Pe de o parte, vom avea Reeder 2 pentru iPad in varianta […]
Apple a trimis deja invitatiile pentru conferinta in care va fi prezentat noul iPhone. Asta daca nu cumva 5-ul inseamna cinci device-uri: iPhone, iPad, iPad mai mic, iPod touch si […]!/scalpel_diem/status/138734858586435584!/PaulSorescu/status/138736066638258177!/sergiudodis/status/138736488019001344!/imneacsu/status/138738532943527936
am ratat un cod pentru cateva secunde? mmm :(