se zvoneste ca vine saptamana asta. si ca va fi un update gras (in beta are 440 MB).
In particular, Apple is said to be focusing on syncing issues that have plagued many of Leopard’s standard, forward-facing apps, such as as Mail, AddressBook, and system preferences. A problem with Safari not accepting certain types of cookies will also reportedly be addressed.
Among the nearly two dozen other components receiving attention in beta of Mac OS X 10.5.7 are graphics drivers, Time Machine, printing services, screen sharing services, MobileMe syncing, AirPort services, text services, and iCal, those familiar with the software claim.
Pe de o parte il astept cu nerabdare, pentru ca 10.5.6 nu a fost tocmai benefic. Pe de alta parte insa, imi doresc din suflet ca asta sa fie update-ul care sa inchida Leopard. Nu de alta, dar Snow Leopard pare sa aiba suficient de multe bunatati si se lasa deja prea mult asteptat.
Haideti cu Snow Leopard mai repede. Nu de alta, dar vreau sa-l iau inainte sa plec acasa, in mai.
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