Update: Ai primit ajutor și vrei să dai o bere? O poți trimite de aici :)
boio.ro are de acum o metoda mult mai simpla pentru identificarea unei solutii rapide pentru terminalul tau. Multe dintre intrebarile de pe aceasta pagina sunt de genul: Am un iPhone cu firmware cutare si baseband cutare. Poate fi jailbreakuit sau deblocat?
Ei bine, Jailbreak Wizard de la boio.ro este usor de folosit si iti da raspunsul pe loc.
Aplicatia Jailbreak Wizard a fost implementata special pentru boio.ro de catre Nelutu. Nu ezita sa-i multumesti printr-un mesaj pe Twitter. Atunci cind ai nevoie sa descarci un anumit firmware pentru iDevice-ul tau, poti sa apelezi la getiOS.com – o alta aplicatie dezvoltata de developerul roman.
Update: daca ai intrebari despre iPhone, aplicatii sau nu iti iese ceva citeste mai intai tot ce scrie mai jos. inclusiv comentariile. vei gasi un raspuns mult mai repede. daca totusi nu iti iese, adreseaza intrebarea si iti voi raspunde.
intrebarile la care s-a raspuns deja, vor fi sterse.
apropo, avem si Suport Tehnic pentru Mac OS X
In fiecare zi primesc zeci de cereri de informatii, lamuriri si intrebari tehnice legate de iPhone. atit pe blog cit si pe mail. asa ca cel mai simplu sa le raspund la toate si eventual sa adun toate sugestiile intr-un singur loc este sa le public aici.
Da, ofer suport tehnic pt iPhone – pentru Romania (sau in limba romana. si engleza, la nevoie) pentru orice problema legata de iPhone. Daca nu ma pricep, ma informez si raspund. daca nu gasesc raspunsul iti zic.
Totul este GRATUIT! ai o problema de rezolvat? adauga un comentariu mai jos. Ai un prieten care are nevoie de ajutor? da-i acest link. il vei face sa fie un iPhone user fericit. Ai blog si esti pasionat de iPhone? pune un link catre boio.ro.
citeva reguli de bun simt pot fi citite AICI
nu, nu lucrez la apple. dar ar cam fi cazu sa-mi faca o oferta, la ce servicii le fac pe plan local. nu-i asa?
Tot aici vei gasi linkuri catre informatii si tutoriale de deblocare pt iPhone.
De referinta: Manuale pentru iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch cu iOS 4.3+
Nu strica sa te uiti si pe Informatiile oferite de Apple despre iPhone (in Engleza)
Am o problema cu un iPhone cumparat prin orange . Initial s-a blocat(stricat) nu stiu de ce , dar l’am conectat la pc i`am dat un restore and update din iTunes , apoi am folosit programul QuickPwn ca sa il fac sa mearga din nou pe orange ca nu recunostea cartela si a mers . Mergea perfect am vazut si un film pe el si am vorbit vreo 2 zile la el , dar zilele trecute ascultam muzica si din senin s-a oprit si pe display aparea mesajul “The iPhone could not make or receive cals an restore is needed” . Am incercat sa ii dau restore din iTunes dar nu merge , cand imi spune “restoring the iPhone firmware” se incarca putin apoi imi da o eroare care spune asa The iPhone “iPhone” could not be restored . An unknown error occurred(1011) , si de aici nu merge sa ii fac nimic , ma intorc iar in iTunes care imi spune ca trebuie sa ii fac un restore , dar imi tot da eroarea asta . Am incercat si optiunea cu QuickPwn , urmez pasii care mii spune programul selectez instal cydia si instaler si unlock phone , isi face treaba dar apoi cand se restarteaza si aparea BootNeuter 2.1 se blocheaza cu mesajul Please wait , Determining current settings…. . si asa ramane …
Ma poate ajuta vreo cineva va rog frumos .
Incearca sa dezinstalezi tot ce inseamna itunes si apoi instaleaza Itunes 7.5 de aici http://www.oldversion.com/iTunes.html , si da un restore in DFU Mode.
am incercat si cu iTunes 7.5 aceeasi eroare imi apare . alte idei?
Quick question : un IPhone 3G codat la O2 Anglia, poate fi decodat cu x-sim sau turbosim ?
uite ca ma bag si eu in seama pe aici.
Am creat un how to: pentru cei care au facut “accidental” la fel ca si mine upgrade la ultimul firmware inclusiv upgrade la baseband 2.30 si primesti eroarea 21 la incercarea de restore prin itunes sau chiar invalid sim dupa jailbreak
Imi cer anticipat scuze pt eventualele erori gramaticale in text dar chiar nu am avut timp sa verific. important este sa intelegeti esentialul
How to unlock iPhone 3G when “error 21” and later “Invalid Sim” is given.
also the easiest way to downgrade from baseband 2.30
This will help people who “accidentally” upgraded to baseband 2.30 like i did
don’t worry you can still downgrade to baseband 2.28 if you follow this steps
they say error 21 is because OS X 10.5.6 introduced a bug that affected the use of DFU mode
with some Macs. (unibody in special) In fact i tried with few macs even a powerbook G4 but i was still getting the 21 error
So …. what you can do is to grab a pc and use the quickpwn 225-2 for windows
You can download this from here
You will also need the firmware 2.2.1 for iPhone3G (QuickPwn will need it to jailbreak your device)
You can download this from here
Everyone said not to use quickpwn because it will upgrade the baseband as well and you won’t be able to use yellowsn0w to unlock the phone.
If you already upgraded the baseband you don’t have to worry about this right ? :)
Anyway … even if you still have the 2.28 baseband but you are getting the error 21 use the mentioned tool to jailbreak the iPhone and i will explain how you can downgrade the baseband from 2.30
Let’s assume you followed the steps in quickpwn everything run smoothly and your iPhone is jailbreaked …
To downgrade the baseband you need to download 3G Baseband Downgrade app from Cydia.
3G Baseband Downgrade is a simple app to downgrade your iPhone 3G’s baseband, the software that runs the cellular technology of your phone. Once you’ve run this app you can use yellowsn0w to unlock your iPhone 3G. Simply you meet the requirements on the application presents to you before you press that big “Go†button. Once you do just sit back and wait for your baseband to be downgraded.
The 3G Baseband Downgrade just works on iPhones 3G with Bootloader 5.8, that can be detected using minicom. If you don’t know how to use minicom, there’s a “simple†way to know if you are 5.8 or 5.9 (but this is not 100% sure).Also please check this link. If your iPhone was manufactured before September (2008), you are 5.8. Otherwise, you are 5.9 (that can’t be downgraded). If you already have baseband 2.30 you have nothing to lose. If you have 2.28 you can try at your own risk if any of the above applies to you.
Note: pHaseBanDowngrader is also a known working solution but more complicated (i like the one above )
To use the pHaseBanDowngrader you need to:
1. Download the .zip
2. SSH into your iPhone and put the downloaded folder (phasebandowngrader) inside the folder
3. In MobileTerminal.app, type “login†and enter “root†as user, the default password is “alpineâ€Â.
4. Now, type “cd /Applications/phasebandowngrader && ./phasebandowngraderâ€Â. Follow the screen
Now … you jailbreaked your iPhone, you downgraded the baseband back to 2.28 but your device is locked.
invalid Sim message
There are many ways on the internet how you can make this work – i have found most of them useless but this one:
If you have the “invalid SIM” message and you cannot get a 3rd party
SIM to work please follow this steps:
1) Download Mobile Terminal from Cydia
2) Inserted my 3rd party SIM
3) Reinstall Yellowsn0w
4) Run MobileTerminal (without rebooting)
5) Type yellowsn0w -h (which gives you the options available to run yellowsn0w.
6) Typed yellowsn0w -r (which releases the firmware reseting your baseband)
Wait for few seconds and you will see youre device going on and off flight mode. in few seconds you will get the service provider name, and few seconds later you will get
I hope this will help you out
Mihai Farcus
—== 05.05.2009 ==—
I also selected few cydia applications you will find useful with your Iphone:
Winterboard – Winterboard is the theme manager of iPhone. You can use it to skin the iPhone with awesome icon sets, keyboard, SMS
bubbles, etc. It can really make your iPhone stand out from others.
SBSettings – A full replacement of BossPrefs and it brings all important toggles (which may be hidden under Settings) directly into your iPhone Home Screen.
With SBSettings, you can directly control brightness and toggle WiFi / EDGE / Bluetooth at home screen or while you’re using other
Supreme preferences – lets you delete history cache cookies and gives other abilities in settings you
wouldnt normaly have.
OpenSSH – OpenSSH is a suite of networking tools for establishing secure network connection. The implementation of OpenSSH on iPhone powers you to connect to iPhone
and gain access to the file system remotely. You can also use OpenSSH to transfer ringtones or photos between the device and
computer remotely. To use this application familiar yourself with OpenSSH first
MySMS – A replacement of iPhone’s default SMS application. MySMS lets you type SMS in
landscape mode and forward SMS to other recipients. It also enables iPhone to send or receive
encrypted SMS. If you’re a frequent user of SMS, MySMS is a great application to put it on iPhone.
Cycorder (or the payed app Videorecorder3g for IPhone3g ) Cycorder turns your iPhone camera into video recorder.
You can capture video using iPhone’s camera.
MX tube: download and saves videos from youtube
Backgrounder: lets you minimize apps to do something else
Five Icon Dock – The dock only lets you have 4 icons on it at a time, although there is room to squeeze one
more. That is what this app does, it allows you to drag one extra icon onto the dock if you so desire.
Veency – There are many apps, official and unofficial, that allow you to VNC into another system, but this
does the opposite. This app lets you VNC into the device. From here you can control your iPhone or iPod
Touch right from a computer screen. You coor to access apps when it’s away from you.
AptBackup. What this does is makes a list of your current Cydia applications and saves then on your iPhone/iPod Touch.
When you connect to iTunes, this will backup the list. When you update or restore your device, the list will go back onto it and just
download AptBackup again and select restore. This won’t backup your apps or setting, it will just
make it easier to restore all the jailbroke apps you have.
xGPS (downloads and saves any given portion of [Google] maps for use under conditions where fast
cellular network is unavailable (or at all, as Google maps are generally not very efficient unless
cached in the device).
D Tunes – the last version added assistance for free torrent downloading and TV out to directly output your videos to a tv using an external video cable.
(visit the Torrents tab in the app and check the guide)
Doc’s – Able to read docs in your email and or save them.
Cydelete – able to delete applications just like from the app store (X icon)
Gruppled Live Clock – The clock icon is showing real time hour, min and sec
sal,am 2.2 pe tel acm,adu-mi te rog aminte cand apare 3.0 si daca pot trece direct sau trebuie sa instalez 2.2.1
@ nik:
poti sa treci direct la 3.0. chiar si de la 113.
@ zaone:
teoretic da.
Am si eu o intrebare. Am cumparat un iphone 3g codat pe Orange romania, cu versiunea 2.2.1. Acum omul mi a zis ca e codat pe orange, lucru pe care l am verificat, in sensul ca daca introduc sim de vodafone de exemplu, nu mi vede reteaua si la un momendat zice sim failure – nu Sim blocked sau unauthorized sim.
In alta ordine de idei, are Cydia pe el, si Springboard si Winterboard, etc, ceea ce ma face sa cred ca are totusi Jailbreak.
Eu eram fericit ca e original ca imi puteam face update fara probleme in itunes.
Intrebarea mea este, telefonul e codat sau nu? Adica, mai e original? Pot sa i fac update? Sau sa stau cuminte si sa l las asa. Daca e codat in continuare, cum de are cydia si o groaza de alte aplicatii?
Salut! Se poate dezactiva sau face ceva cu sms preview pentru iphone 3G nedeblocat? Mersi!
Buna !
Am o problema la un Iphone de 8gb modelul vechi 2g :
1.Am cartela vodafone imi pune un prieten softul 2.2 tra la la ok
mi-a explicat sa nu fac update de pe itunes bla bla . Bun
2. telefonul merge pana cand bag o alta cartela in el de exemplu orange, si ce anume nu ma lasa : nu pot sa intru in aplicatzie Phone ca sa formez un numar de telefon… de primit primesc totul e ok dar nu mai pot sa formez.
3. daca pun cartela de oragne merge perfect face doar pe Vodafone…
4. am decis sa repun softul si sa numai schimb cartela din el…
5. a mers ce a mers m-am apukat sa imi pun din instaler si itunes diverse
cand dau sa sun Surpriza : acceasi problema
Nu mai stiu ce sa mai fac cu el
Ajutatzi-ma cumva .
Ma gandesc ca exista un remediu atata timp cat pe orange merge fara probleme
Version 2.2 (5G77)
Carrier 2.9
Model MA712LL
Modem Firmware 04.05.04_G
Iphone 8GB
Model No: A1203
Omul care la avut inainte la folosit pe Orange si a mers perfect nu sa lovit de problema asta.
Eu nu am facut absolut nimik.L-am luat si in momentu in care am schimbat cartela am vazut ca nu pot sa folosesc tastele ptr a suna.
Ms mult !
@ Andrei:
deocamdata nu. poate odata cu 3.0
@ jayko:
ai incercat, dupa ce ai instalat totul, sa descarci citeva aplicatii din AppStore?
pe de alta parte, atunci cind faci restore, faci la final restore din back-up sau setezi tel ca unul nou? daca ai dat din back-up, fa-l ca unul nou si apoi pune pe el muzica, contactele si restu.
salut,sper sa nu deranjez cu intrebarile mele sau sa par penibil.am un iphone 3g ver.2.2 si pe care am instalat yahoo mess de pe apple store.cand l-am instalat a mers perfect in prima zi,insa de a doua zi daca incerc sa intru in mess ma da inapoi la iconita yahoo mess de pe telef.ai cumva idee din ce cauza face asa?am incercat sa descarc din nou mess-ul dar cand ajung la pagina de unde am descarcat initial imi zice installed.si as vrea sa mai stiu daca se poate sterge fisierul cu yahoo mess sa il instalez din nou,sau ce alta posibilitate ar fi ca mess-ul sa mearga.multumesc
@ florentiu:
tine apasat pe icoana de messenger pina cind toate iconitzele incep sa tremure pe ecran si in colul ei apare un x. apoi apasa acel X si o dezinstalezi.
iti recomand sa citesti manualul de iPhone. il gasesti pe boio.ro cu o simpla cautare. vei afla cum sa rezolvi astfel de probleme singur si foarte simplu.
@Bogdan: tu faci confuzie intre jailbreak (activarea/evitarea activarii in vederea instalarii de aplicatii) si unlock (deblocarea telefonului si folosirea lui in orice retea).
daca are pe el Cydia inseamna ca e jailbreakuit – deci poti sa instalezi aplicatii din Cydia sau aplicatii crackuite. Vei putea sa faci update in iTunes doar daca ai cartela Orange originala. asta daca tel nu a fost luat cu 600 euro de la orange (pre pay) de catre primul posesor.
telefonul este codat, adica nu poate fi folosit in alta retea decit orange si, deocamdata nici deblocat cu yellowsn0w. daca ii faci update la viitorul 3.0 vei pierde Cydia si toate celelalte aplicatii 3rd party pina cind apare Cydia pt 3.0
Recent mi-am cumparat un iphone .. am dat un erase all si se pare ca a ramas putin in freez..
am dat restore .. dar acum imi cam lipseste installerul… ce pot face.. ?
Am o problema. Cand dau pe phone sa scriu un numar de telefon imi dispare tastatura cu numere dupa 3 sec fara sa fac nimic. deci nu pot forma . stie cineva de ce ? multumesc
Multumesc pentru informatie. Telefonul din cate stiu a fost luat pe abonament orange. Eu la ora actuala folosesc o cartela pre-pay orange. Asta inseamna ca pot sa fac update in itunes, doar cu sim-ul pe care a fost contractat abonamentul sau si cu simul meu orange.
Multumesc din nou.
Si ca sa stiu pe viitor, jailbreak-ul nu afecteaza “originalitatea”telefonului sa zic asa. Adica daca ii fac update nu se brick-uieste. Voi putea sa l folosesc in continuare pe orange. Am inteles corect?
Am instalat pe un iphone 2.1 acum incerc sa intru sa fac poze si apare “there is not enough room to take additional pictures.Please delete some existing photos.
Desi abia am instalat softu imi zice ca n-am spatiu,am incercat si 2.2 am dat reset all settings,hard reset etc. si degeaba…..sugestii? am mutat si fonturile cu bosstool si nici un rezultat