[…]The iPhone was not conceived merely as a single device or a one-time creation. It’s a platform. A framework engineered for the long-run. The iPhone didn’t and doesn’t need MMS or a better camera or a video camera or more storage or cut/copy/paste or GPS mapping or note syncing, because the framework was in place so that Apple could add these things, and much more, later  either through software updates or through new hardware designs.
The way to build a complex device with all the features you want is not to start by trying to build a device with all those features, but rather to start with the fundamentals, and then iterate and evolve. […]
citeste tot articolul aici – doar daca ai chef de un post excelent in limba engleza si daca vrei sa intelegi mai bine deciziile Apple.
…si noi intre timp facem pe beta testerii, visam frumos la lucruri pe care Apple o sa le introduca in telefoanele viitoare; ce conteaza satisfactia de moment a cumparatorului, conteaza dezvoltarea pe long run a framework-ului …
ce pot sa zic.. asa sa fie
salut.vreau sa te intreb la ce pret se gaseste iphone 3G la liber in state si daca se mai gaseste iphone 2G la vanzare si la ce pret,ambele la ce pret,mersi.scuze daca nu trebuia sa scriu aici.ms.
@ catalin:
apple.com pt 3G sau o cautare pe boio.ro. 2G nu mai e decit pe ebay, eventual.