iOS 8.1 beta 1 is Out. If you are a developer!

I really hope you understood that when Apple releases a beta version of a firmware, that update is really a beta. I mean it is destined to developers and it may render your phone unusable for some of the daily tasks.

Just like iOS 8.0.1 for iPhone 6, right? :)

Apple has just released iOS 8.1. This is just the first beta and the final version may only come out with the future iPad versions, sometimes next month. Or not!

Don’t even think you would like to have it on your primary device, unless you are a developer.

By the way, are you happy with iOS 8? How’s the battery? Did you notice any lag? How about other issues?

With the release of iOS 8.0.2 I really need to download it and do a Clean Install on my iPhone 5s. It’s getting some strange bugs. Nothing major, but they do get annoying every once in a while.

In other news, there were some stories online today that Apple is testing iOS 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3. Sure they do. besides the fact that those may very well be iOS 9 or iOS 10 running on some devices that will only come out in 3 years from now, how is that even remotely interesting and new?

It’s not like anyone besides a small group of Apple employees get acces to iOS 8.2 and 8.3 for now. And the final releases may very well be included in iOS 8.1

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  1. So, did you get to test it? Does it come with new toys and features, or is it just “behind the scene” stuff, to make it work better and faster?



  2. I’m ok with the iOS 8. I love the new “Hi Siri” option when the iPhone is connectet to USB or when in charge. I use my iPhone 5 very heavy so my battery is dying – 7h… I also broke the glass of my screen so soon I will but the iPhone 5S becouse…I’m really excited about the iPhone 6 Plus, I’m just not excited on breaking a bone on my face when I’m texting in bed

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