I’m visiting Paris these days and it happened to me a few times: when you think you have the perfect shot, there’s somebody’s head or shoulder in there. I have a digital camera and I can take that shot hundreds of times, but I’d rather take it once and move onto other nice places.
I know Inpaint will be a lot of help when I get home. The $4.99 app helps you remove the unwanted objects from your pictures, watermarks, date stamps or retouch the faces of your subjects. You don’t need to pay or use Adobe Photoshop for that. Here’s a short video:
On the other hand, Inpaint goes very well with iResizer, the app that helps you resize your images without changing important content like people, buildng or animals.
boio.ro is giving you a chance to win one of the 3 promo codes for iResizer and 3 other ones for Inpaint. The steps are as easy as every time on boio.ro:
1. Follow @boioglu on twitter.
2. Tweet this message “RT @boioglu Get your chance to win Inpaint or iResizer for Mac on boio.ro http://is.gd/ca9xEH”.
3. Leave a comment below with the link to your Tweet (not to your twitter account page, but to the tweet itself).
The winners will be randomly chosen on October 12th. You can only get one of the Apps so make your choice in advance.
Update: and the winners are: @gabi_lafayet, @emilindricau, @innfs, @marius077, @vacosmin and @scalpel_diem. They’ve gotta send me an email till October 15th to redeem the Serial Numbers. The Promo-codes will be given away, by choice in the order of the email received.
Hmm….din moment ce este un blog destinat romanilor,de ce scrii in engleza?
@ Sebastian , presupun ca are o grămadă de cunoscuți in SUA deoarece acolo lucrează si le oferă si lor o șansă.
Inpaint ar fi super ,
@sebastian: Cine a zis ca e un blog destinat romanilor?
Cit despre review-uri/concursuri le fac in engleza pt ca ii ajuta si pe developerii aplicatiilor prezentate si pt ca am avut si cititori din alte tari interesati sa participe. Iar daca din asta mai invata si romanii ceva e cu atit mai bine…
Am un cod de iResizer de la un alt concurs organizat de boio.ro :) Mulțumesc, Adi!
@toti_cei_care_nu_au_folosit_niciodata_iresizer să știți că funcționează destul de ok!
I forgot: Inpaint e optiunea mea, in caz de castig ;) Mersi!