This is pretty awesome. You know how your iPhone or iPad has an audible feedback when you plug it into the charger. You can do the same with your Mac with just a simple command you can enter in
defaults write ChimeOnAllHardware -bool true; open /System/Library/CoreServices/ &
Take a look at the video below to see how that works.
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mai nou e la moda sa fii blogger in moldova. or is it just me? anyway, daca e asa, ma primiti si pe mine in … moldblogosferaâ„¢ *o marca inregistrata […]
O evaluare animata a noului sistem de operare de la Microsoft. Astept cu nerabdare userii de Windows 8 sa demonstreze, cu argumente, ca cele de mai sus sunt sau nu […]
>>>You know how the iPhone and iPad plays a little chime when you plug it in? The new MacBook also does that. But sadly, the MacBook Air and MacBook Pro remain completely silent when they connect to juice — which can make it hard to tell when you’ve accidentally knocked the MagSafe loose. []
…but only for the new Mac:
>>>You know how the iPhone and iPad plays a little chime when you plug it in? The new MacBook also does that. But sadly, the MacBook Air and MacBook Pro remain completely silent when they connect to juice — which can make it hard to tell when you’ve accidentally knocked the MagSafe loose. []
@Lucian: imi scapase asta. Pacat. Suna interesant.
Salut, la mine a mers, si chiar zice: “You will need OS X Yosemite (10.10.3+) and a MacBook, MacBook Pro, or MacBook Air.”
am uitat sa adaug modelul MacBook (13-inch, Aluminum, Late 2008)
e buna asta
ptr situatiile in care esti legat la ochi si nu poti vedea ledul de pe incarcator si e liniste desavarsita in incapere
in rest e inutila