Hack week la Dropbox

Asta e genul de atmosfera de lucru care imi place.

So what exactly does “hack” mean? The word definitely has a negative connotation of breaking into computer systems or doing other illegal things. But here, “hack” means being clever and creative despite tight constraints.

And that’s the spirit of Hack Week. It’s a great time to try something new and work with new people. It’s also a great time to tackle an ambitious project and explore the limits of what we’re able to do without deadlines or restrictions.

Hack Week is also a party! Throughout the week, volunteers from all over the company also hosted and planned events. We held our second ping pong tournament, a StarCraft coaching tournament, a lock-picking seminar, a foosball tournament, Dropbox jeopardy, Python classes, and more.

Apropo, eu am reusit sa observ doar un Dell (apare de citeva ori in video). In rest, toti angajatii Dropbox lucreaza pe Mac. Fie sub forma de MacBook Air sau MacBook Pro, fie legat la un monitor.

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