Asa se numeste urmatoarea versiune Forefox 3.6. Namoroka e programat sa apara pe la mijlocul lui lui 2010 si ne aduce o gramada de bunatati:
Performance: Observable improvements in user-perceptible performance metrics such as startup, time to open a new tab, and responsiveness when interacting with the user interface. Common user tasks should feel faster and more responsive.
Personalization & Customization: Simplify the development, discovery, installation and management of browser customization and functional extension. Where possible, provide a custom fit user experience based on a user’s interaction history. Act in the user’s interests, leveraging existing knowledge about their identity and browsing habits.
Task Based Navigation: Allow users to organize their tabs, history, downloaded files, and other resources according to the task they were attempting to accomplish. Provide support for executing common web-based tasks, mash-up style, without having to visit a website.
Web Application Support: Blur the distinction between web and desktop applications, providing web developers with the tools required to create rich application experiences for a user who is connected or disconnected from the Internet. Act as the intermediary between web applications and the user’s OS desktop.
System Integration: Integrate with the look and feel of the host operating system, including data-level interactions with existing system services such as dictionaries.
pina sa ne bucuram de toate jucariile din 3.6, avem si vesti despre 3.5. Beta 4 urmeaza sa apara pe 14 aprilie 2009. Eu folosesc beta 3 de 3 saptamani si sunt foarte multumit de ea.
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