Double contest for your kids

Feeling lucky today? Well, you may as well be. We have enough promo-codes to make you and your kids happy at the end of the week.

The first app is “123 Kids Fun Alphabet” and it was designed for 3 to 7 year olds. As you may have guessed, the app teaches your youngsters the alphabet. Teachers can use it as well. A combination of letters and pictures makes learning fun.

Moving on to the second app, by the same developer, we have “123 Kids Fun Memo“. This is a collection of games designed for your 3 to 6 year olds. The kids are asked to play piano, arrange dishes on a plate or find two of the same cards.

As a general rule, there’s no advertising and there are no InApp Purchasesc in these apps. is giving you a chance to win one of the 8 promo codes for each app. Yes, there’s a total of 16 promo-codes. The steps are as easy as every time on

1. Follow @boioglu on twitter.

2. Tweet this message “RT @boioglu Get your chance to win “123 Kids Fun Alphabet” and “123 Kids Fun Memo” on”.

3. Leave a comment below with the link to your Tweet (not to your twitter account page, but to the tweet itself).

If you’re one of the first 8th fans to post a valid comment, you will get a promo-code for each app.

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