Directional – the modern Bejeweled

Do you like puzzles? If the answer is “Yes” than you’ll love this one. Not only because Directional is a difficult game, but because you need to be fast and stay focused for the entire duration of the game.

I’ll put it on the same shelf with Bejeweled, but you gotta play it to believe it. There are 3 modes and 9 mode types. All you have to do is clear blocks of the same color by swiping your finger in the direction of the arrow. It’s an iPhone exclusive and you can get it for just 99 cents. Or you can get your very own copy for free after the break. In the meantime, here’s a gameplay video. is giving you a chance to win one of the 9 (Yes, nine!) promo codes for this app. The steps are as easy as every time on

1. Follow @boioglu on twitter.

2. Tweet this message “RT @boioglu Get your chance to win “Directional” on″.

3. Leave a comment below with the link to your Tweet (not to your twitter account page, but to the tweet itself).

The codes will fly on a first come, first served bases. There’s 9 of them but everybody loves puzzles ;)

Update: all gone!

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