si eu credeam ca am scapat. dar cineva are cineva cu noi si ne aduce aminte mereu ca am avut copii handicapati si aurolaci in urma cu 15 ani.
cnn international isi face de cap cu imaginea romaniei si mai tarnteste o poveste cutramuratoare din caminele de copii de pe la noi. de data asta sub dramaticul titlu "romania – the lost children". cica:
"Decades after the world was shocked by pictures of Romanian orphans tied to their cots in squalid conditions, many children are still being held in old-style institutions. Babies at the pediatric unit are unnaturally quiet. They've learnt there's no point in crying. "They have no affiliation, no stability," laments supervisor Dr Monica Nicoara.
Previously, many of these babies would have been adopted by Western families. But foreign adoptions are now banned and authorities want to find Romanian families for abandoned children. However this new system has failed many of the country's most vulnerable. Ricardo and George ended up on the streets after their parents abandoned them. They've given up on the state and now take care of each other."
ghici care e scopu acestei campanii? pai bineinteles ca vesticii vor copii romani. si guvernu nostru nu vrea sa-i dea. si uite asa ne mai luam o palma…
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