Contest: Cloud Outliner 2 Pro – put your ideas in order

We all know what an Outliner app is, but Cloud Outliner managed to take that idea to the next level.

Cloud Outliner 2 Pro is an app available for Mac and iOS that brings together a few essential features: beautiful design, integration with Evernote and iCloud, an intuitive interface and flexible document management.

Let’s say you have a big project to tackle. Sure you can write down your ideas in a notebook and try to sort them out, but it is much easier to put everything in Cloud Outliner 2 Pro and sync the project files over multiple devices with your team or your friends.

Here are some of the features listed by the developers of this really useful app:

Rich-text outline editor:

Drag and Drop functionality for sorting and reordering rows

Multi-selection feature to reorder rows, change indentation, or delete them all at once

Optional checkboxes that facilitate selection

Optional automatic numbering (3 styles)

Adding notes to data and list items

Customizable text size, color, and style

Highlighting important rows using different text colors and styles

View completed tasks

Collapse/expand functionality for all items

Filters for displaying only checked or only unchecked items

Undo/redo operations

Cut/copy/paste data to outlines or even external apps (Notes, Mail, Safari, etc.)

Automatic highlighting of links and phone numbers

iOS-only features:

Read-only mode support

Swipe left or right to change the indentation level

Portrait & Landscape mode support

Wireless keyboard support (with a wide range of keyboard shortcuts).

The Mac app is $9.99 and the iOS one is $2.99, but you can get your free copies below. is giving you a chance to win one of the 4 promo codes for the Mac and for the iOS app. The steps are as easy as every time on

1. Follow @boioglu on twitter.

2. Tweet this message:

Get your chance to win Cloud Outliner 2 Pro for Mac and iOS on via @boioglu

3. Leave a comment below with the link to your Tweet (not to your twitter account page, but to the tweet itself).

The winners will be chosen on first come, first served basis.

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