ce NU are G1 si Google Android

stim problemele iPhone. mai un copy/paste, mai un bluetooth si alte maruntisuri. deodata ele par “mic copil” pe linga marile gauri din Google Android.

Contacts and Syncing: As mentioned, there is no desktop syncing app. It’s all about the cloud—your Google contacts and cal are considered the masters. So if it’s all on your desktop or god forbird, MobileMe, you’ve gotta move it over to your Google account. At launch, however it’ll be able to do remote syncing, so if you make a change or download an app on your desktop, your device will automatically sync up. Still, it’ll be open for developers to fill this market, as well as the lack of Exchange support. Whether this is a plus or minus might depend on how you feel about Google being the masterkeeper of your contacts and info.

Video: There’s no video playback at all right now, except for YouTube. The expectation is that developers will create video playback apps and the requisite support. That’s one of those big holes we worried Google would leave to developers to fill. Same story for video recording. Devs can add it in, though we’ve heard the video quality will look much better after Qualcomm’s video accelerator is released.

Hardware Inadequacies: No multitouch on the G1 and there never will be, since the panel itself doesn’t support it. However, Googlers said they expected a full touchscreen device with multitouch in the future. The lack of a headphone jack, though kinda common for HTC devices, is pretty galling, especially for a consumer device. Mini-USB adapters are annoying as hell.

Miscellaneous: You’ve gotta have an SD card for any kind of music or video playback, once the latter arrives—there’s no internal storage for media playback. It’s one of two problems we ran into with Amazon’s MP3 store, the other being that you can only down tracks over-the-air with Wi-Fi. We’d like some over-3G action.

For all of the choices when it comes to navigation, the fact that you have to use the QWERTY keyboard for all text entry can be annoying, since it involves a lot of flipping the phone around to type if you’re navigating vertically. Some onscreen action would be nice, but once again, they’re leaving that to developers.

Finally, it’s locked to T-Mobile. A Googler lamented that as well since it goes against the openness of Android, but said that in the long run, that won’t matter, since there will be a ton of devices. But like everything else, in the meantime, developers can step in and release an unlock app. On the Android market, even. So Android’s strengths—and weaknesses—really are as much in developers’ hands as they are Google, hardware makers and carriers’.

eu nu sunt tentat nici pe departe sa-mi iau asa ceva. nici sa-l dea baietzii pe 3 lei…


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  1. Ideea este ca trebuie sa separam Google de HTC. Intr-adever devide-ul pare sever handicapat fata de iPhone, dar asta nu inseamna ca poate pe un telefon produs in viitor (de catre orice producator) Android nu va fi fezabil.

    In orice caz, beta-ul asta este foarte beta. Nici iPhone nu a fost perfect de la inceput, dar nici asa.

    Ce ma bucura este ca apare concurenta la iPhone si asa poate Apple se decide sa renunte la cateva restrictii aberante, cum ar fi calendarul online doar prin MobileMe sau Exchange (ambele solutii pe bani), sau politica de aplicatii doar prin AppStore sau chiar si politica de exclusivitate cu operatorii.

  2. Chiar asa? La pretul ala eu zic ca or sa fie destui care o sa experimenteze noul terminal. Fanii google si haterii apple cu siguranta :)

  3. Eram entuziasmat de lansarea unui telefon sub Google cu cateva luni in urma. Credeam ca va ridica standardele asa cum a facut-o Apple acum mai bine de un an. Dar are o gramada de lipsuri, si din pacate nu doar in materie de soft – pentru ca acelea puteau fi reparate cu versiuni noi de firmware, aplicatii 3rd party etc. Tastatura e… in plus. Forma in sine nu e foarte inspirata. Lipsa iesirii audio jack sau necesitatea unui card de memorie fac din G1 un telefon neadaptat pietei anului 2008.

  4. Am inteles ca este primul telefon scos de Google, dar chiar vor sa intri in competitie impotriva primelor telefoane Nokia sau Ericsson ?!
    Eu zic ca am face bine sa vedem avantajele … are touchscreen *ca e la moda si mai are si display color.
    Good Google, good !

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