OK, orice, dar la asta nu ma asteptam. Tim Cook a semnat o intelegere cu IBM prin care cele doua companii vor lucra de acum inainte pe mediul de afaceri.
And here comes 2014. Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook explains how his company will work together with IBM to go towards the enterprise market. The report comes from Re/Code and CNBC and it is an actual double interview with Tim Cook and IBM’s CEO Ginni Rometty.
The change of plans is that the two historical competitors have agreed to help each other to make this happen. Tim Cook even agrees that Apple and IBM do not compete on anything and he saw this as a puzzle where the pieces fit nicely together.
Ginni Rometty believes there are three main goals for this joint venture. They hope to achieve growth for both companies, they seek to reimagine businesses and address Security.
Cine era acum ceva vreme David contra lui Goliat…. numai ca .. Goliat il ia pasta mic de-o parte si zice….”ba pustiu , uite cum e treburile. eu are niste baieti care platesc bine dar trebuie si ei distrati din cand in cand. Si astia au auzit de tine ca tu ai fi cull si decat sa ne batem noi ca chiorii mai bine facem noi un anunt ca luptam impreuna … un fel de lupta noua sa ii zicem wresling sau mai bine mortall kombat ca nimeni nu a mai facut asta pana acum.
Si asta mic pentru ca are ca impresar un fel de daniela storfi (da si asta e mai inteligenta) accepta ca doar toata lumea are de platit facturi.
Si acum serios – toate alegerile proaste pe care le vor face ceo-ii la presiunea investitorilor care vor sa isi maximizeze profitul se vor transforma in pierderi chiar inchidere.