Poate ai observat ca ieri boio.ro a fost offline pentru citeva ore. Asa cum era normal, am discutat cu Echipa de Hosting. Ca niciodata, ei nu au fost de gasit pentru o vreme si apoi nu raspundeau la ticket. Dupa 2 ore si alte doua emailuri am primit citeva rinduri de la ei:
There was a large explosion close to the data center. Following that, there was issue with one of the generator systems. DC is working on the issue and should be resolved as quickly as possible.
No ETA/details on explosion yet, but power is out in a multi-block radius.
DC expects to be running on generator power most of the day during repair from the power company. Power is currently returned to the data center and extra staff called in to physically go through any servers that remain offline.
Se intimpla si la case mai mari…
Uite de aia imi place sa stiu ca dorm linistit pentru ca am un Full Back-up zilnic la tot ce inseamna blog.
da interesant…. cand ti-e lumea mai draga… pac! pac! si gata! cand le explic la alor mei ce inseamna back-up… nu vroiau sa ma inteleaga. Am avut ceva peripetii si uite ca mi-au dat la dreptate cu “cisterna”
Bine ca ai back-up intr-adevar, e foarte util in tot ceea ce faci. Dupa ce am pierdut ceva la care tineam foarte mult, am invatat sa fac back-up la orice…