Una dintre functiile interesante ale iTunes 11 este Noul “Code Redeemer”. Cine a folosit iTunes Gift Cards stie ca operatiunea de adaugare a unui cod este una destul de migaloasa, care cere atentie.
iTunes 11 stie sa iti citeasca un cod de pe card doar daca arati acel iTunes Gift Card camerei de la laptop. Developerul care a lucrat la aceasta functie povesteste astazi o parte din procesul si tehnologiile care au creat si perfectionat-o.
Core Animation, Accelerate, Core Graphics, GCD, AVFoundation and other frameworks were combined together to meet some very strict performance and usability requirements.
When you present the redeem code to the camera, the surrounding rectangle of the code is immediately localized within the camera scene and highlighted with a white rectangle. If you move the card in front of the camera, this white rectangle follows the card movements. After few milliseconds, the redeem code is converted in a string and then, of course, in money credit, so you can buy songs or apps.
Now, what nobody knows yet is that this feature is accessible by visually impaired or blind people. VoiceOver helps positioning the card in front of the camera and the very fast image processing algorithm generates very quickly the result. The user experience is amazing.
Tot acest proces a durat 12 luni de la idee la punere in practica. Asta inseamna atentia Apple pentru detalii.
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