Citeam un articol despre un start-up care foloseste tot ce e mai bun din serviciile oferite de Amazon. Si nu discutam despre partea de vanzari de carti sau jucarii, ci de Amazon-ul ala cu servere, S3, EC2 si tot ce e mai bun si mai nou in domeniu. Toata afacerea suna prea bine sa fie adevarata si numele start-up-ului (Appscend) imi era cunoscut de undeva.
Da, Appscend sunt romani! Appscend e un start-up din Bucuresti pentru care Amazon are doar cuvinte de lauda. Asa incepe articolul de pe blogul Amazon Web Services:
Appscend is a sign that catching the “startup bug” and being able to run a high-tech company is possible waay outside Silicon Valley, in Romania, where startups don’t have the benefit of tapping into a support system and extensive mentorship.
I spoke to Gabi Dobocan, Appscend Cofounder, who was quick to tell me that his small team enjoys the challenge and is eager to work at least 10 times as hard as their counterparts in other countries in order to compete. To date, they have received support from local angel investor and mentor, Peter Barta, and from an extended entrepreneur network from Western Europe. We wish Gabi and his team the best of luck :)
ps: Alex, nu am uitat de discutia din luna Mai.
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