pe scurt: sunt jurnalist. cel putin asa scrie pe diploma mea de abslovire. am fost jurnalist inainte sa fiu absolvent si ma simt si acum, dupa ce nu mai scriu oficial la ziar sa nu mai fac stiri de televiziune. in zece ani am trecut prin tv (tvr, pro tv), radio (uniplus, mix), ziare (cuget liber, observator de constanta, ziua) si agentii de presa (mediafax foto, infostar, romnet) daca vrei sa afli mai multe despre mine poti sa-mi dai un mail pe boioglu la sau sa-mi comentezi posturile.
blogu’: cu optimism despre cum sa ajungi un individ puternic si despre (re)branding de Romania.
Address: Constanta, Romania or Florida, USA
Phone: (+40)722.853.337 or +1.786.395.0441
Born on August 1st 1979 in Romania
Not married
-         Degree in Journalism, Public Relations and Television at “Andrei Saguna†University Constanta. Graduation: July 2003
-         Degree in electronics and telecommunications at “Telecommunications High-school†Constanta. Graduation: 1998
-         “Introduction to Economics†English lecture in 1996
-        “CCL – Video Services” Miami, Florida, USA – AV Staff (since april 2006)
·        “Romanian National Television†(TVR1) – news correspondent in Constanta and Tulcea Area (April 2003-April 2006)
·        “PRO TV†– news correspondent in Constanta area (2002-2003)
·        “MEDIAFAX photo†– international news agency– I deliver photos that have been bought by both national and international newspapers, magazines or TV stations
·        “INFOSTAR†and “ROMNET†national news agencies – I deliver photos and news
·        “MTC Television†Constanta – reporter – interviewing and editing information for a local tv news bulletin (1996-1998 and 2001-2002)
·        “MIX FM†Radio Constanta
·        “ZIUA†daily newspaper – reporter in Constanta Area
·        CONNEX mobile phone company – promoter (2000-2001)
·        “OBSERVATOR de Constanta†daily newspaper – reporter/editor (1999-2000)
·        “UNIPLUS Radio Constanta†– reporter (1999)
·        “Cuget Liber†Constanta daily newspaper – reporter
·        “ODT MARIS†NGO – manager Constanta branch(1998-1999)
·        “ATOMIC Fan-club†– public relation & marketing manager (1999)
·        “ANDROMEDA Fiction†literary circle – founder (1994-1999)
·        “Romanian Association against AIDS†– volunteer work (1997-1998)
-         Foreign languages: Fluent in English; Can read some French and Italian
-         Computer Knowledge: video editing (“DPS Velocity”, “Pinnacle studio 9â€Â, “Dr. DivXâ€Â, and others), photo editing (“Adobe Photoshopâ€Â, “Corel draw”), Internet, Microsoft Office Suite
-         Hobbies include photography, extreme sports, writing
REFERENCES: Available upon request
ASA…nu stiam de unde imi suna cunoscut numele asta…Tu erai cel care era trimis la Kogalniceanu cand le era celor de la TVR lumea mai draga…sau a ta :) sau in cel mai mare viscol, tu stateai pe plaja…as I still remember.
Bravo. Succes in continuare
balaur, eu de unde te stiu? astea erau vremurile cu tvr-u’. alergam peste tot pt ca-mi placea sa fac asta… acum am alt fel de job, alt stil de viata, alte prioritati…
andrei..ce sa zic… sa fie! btw, nice blog ;)
salut adrian. am citit ca esti expert in video editing Pinnacle etc. eu sunt din cta. as dori sa iau legatura cu tine pe mess, cred ca este cel mai bine, sa ma lamuresti in legatura cu video editing. id’ul meu este gign_team ;)
alin, expert nu sunt, dar te pot ajuta cu un sfat daca ai nevoie. ti-am trimis un mail cu datele mele de contact…
Frumos blog, la mai mare! Sper sa te “prajesti” cu folos in Florida, bea un cocktail si pentru noi. Aici e ceata, din toate punctele de vedere. Asteptam sa vedem firu’ ierbii