… se plimba de zor dinspre china spre statele unite si alte locatii ale lumii.
Since mid-March, Apple Inc. and its logistics partners have imported 188 ocean containers of a product type never before declared on its shipping manifests. […] On March 19 Quanta delivered 20 ocean containers of merchandise, described on the Bills of Lading as “electric computers,” to Apple, Inc. Neither Apple, Quanta, nor any other company has ever used this product description for any shipments to the U.S. […] Over the last few months shipments of “desktop computers” and other devices did not fall off, indicating that these “electric computers” represent a new product for the company rather than a simple renaming for their Customs declarations.
zvonurile vin de aici
in alta ordine de idei, un nene de la o retea de telefonie mobila din autralia, care va aduce iPhone, s-a laudat ca jucaria va merge pe internetu lor 3G de 42Mbps. abia astept. : )
Mamaaa… ce merge masina asta de “marketing”.
Zvonul ca zvon, dar io unul nu mai am rabdare. Deja ma mananca la varfurile degetelor…
Welcome iPhone – 3G.. I missed You so much…
Spor maxim.